Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Power Tip of the Day!

When was the LAST Time that you gave the LORD a real GOOD

Get into practice of doing this everyday and watch what God does for you!

That's all for today,
See you all tomorrow! 

In HIS Majestys Service,
Apostle Mary Thomas
Dunamis International Ministries

Saturday, July 5, 2014

It's great to be a person of Prayer

This is going to be just a quick one!
This dropped in my spirit about Prayer!

Prayer is so needed in the world today.
You know I used to be all like I need to do something. I'm tired of being at home.
Yadda yadda yadda, you know the same old complaints...
Until I realized, that I am in the GREATEST position EVER!

I am available for PRAYER!
Prayer is AWESOME!
As I go throughout my day I can Pray for people situation and things.
I can allow and disallow things in the spirit realm.
Wow, wow, wow.
In Prayer you are able to stop some things and correct some things.
Most of all you can actually bring YOURSELF before the Lord in Prayer!
Asking him to fix YOU first and FOREMOST!

Ah, Prayer is so needed in the world today oh yes it is.
Instead of being sad about being at home all the time,
Understand that you are in the most powerful position EVER...
because you can PRAY!

In HIS Majestys Service,

Apostle Mary Thomas
Dunamis International Ministries